Humancoin - Rewards for Token Holders

What is Humancoin?
is the new e-commerce cryptocurrency fuelled by the Proof of Charity mining protocol
Humancoin is a revolutionary platform bringing about the synergy of philanthropy industry, retail e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets, which together have a combined value of $3.5 trillion.

Marketing analysis
In 2017, according to MarketInsightsReports, the size of the charity market was estimated at an impressive $747 billion and it is clear that an enormous volume of “peer-to-peer transactions” are not being measured: many of us spare our change to people on the streets or make impulsive donations to charity from time to time.

It is surprising that over the centuries the charity industry has changed very little in terms of the technology employed, except that the role that monasteries played two hundred years ago has now been taken over by philanthropic foundations. While the funds now have phones, printers and computers in their offices, the problems haunting the industry have remained the same. It is difficult for philanthropists to find worthwhile projects, quickly and seamlessly transfer money to them, and most importantly, be sure that the aid that they provide reaches the addressee and is used purposefully for a just cause without any significant transaction costs.

Blockchain technology and the associated P2P Internet platform help solve the problems of the industry and provide a powerful impetus for its further development. 
·        Donors can monitor transactions to see that their funds are being spent exactly as intended.
·        Charities can demonstrate their integrity by providing information on how the funds are being used.
·        Quick payments (including cross-border transactions) are simplified and the problem of currency and cryptocurrency conversion is solved.
·        Automation of all processes can significantly reduce transaction costs.
The Humancoin platform offers a revolutionary solution for the charity industry. The consolidation of blockchain technology, the cryptocurrency market and e-commerce loyalty programs into a project will forever change the charity industry. Let’s look at each of the three industries.

Humancoin token for token holders
Humancoin tokens purchased during the Token Sale have the value of a loyalty reward token; that is, they can be used to receive discounts from Humancoin partners or sold on cryptoexchanges.

Once the Token Sale ends, Humancoin tokens can be purchased on exchanges or received (mined) in proportion to any donation at twice the averageweighted exchange rate.

The platform's technological features allow it to be integrated with popular management systems for online stores, such as Shopify, Magento, WordPress, Ecwid etc.

Humancoin is not in direct competition with existing loyalty programs, but instead is intended for developing partnerships with them and acting as an aggregator across a collection of loyalty programs. The Humancoin token converts into points, miles, bonuses, coupons and tokens and is easily integrated into existing systems, without forcing businesses to reconfigure them — the only requirement is to set the conversion rate. As the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin Network grows, so does the popularity of the token.

Humancoin token for the platform's partners
Platform partners may exchange Humancoin tokens for discounts/ points/miles. In this way, the tokens are returned for burning to the Humancoin
Foundation. The rating of Humancoin partners will be based on the number of tokens transferred. The platform partner receives a certain benefactor status and a corresponding sticker/badge for posting on their website and social networks pages.

In addition to the charitable nature of the Humancoin token, just as important for the partners will be its source. Online shops, airlines and a host others want to engage solvent people who are actively making transactions on the Internet in their loyalty programs. By definition, philanthropists represent the premier category of e-commerce consumers.

Token mining. Proof of Charity
Even a modest 1% of the charity industry turnover accounts for 25 times more than the number of Humancoin tokens issued at the Token Sale. Therefore, in order to provide further rewards to benefactors, the company will issue additional tokens after the Token Sale, in strict correlation to the actual amount of funds raised on the platform.

The platform's smart contract will grant additional issues of tokens in limited tranches (1 billion tokens each), which will depend on the volume of funds raised and are based on the need to reward benefactors in proportion to their donations. New tokens for other purposes, apart from rewarding donors, will not be issued.

Proportional to their donations, benefactors receive back 50% of the value of their donation in tokens, according to the exchange-weighted price of the token (in other words, benefactors “buy” or “mine” tokens at the rate of 2x to the price listed on the exchange). For example, a patron donates the equivalent of $1,000 to charity projects on the Humancoin platform. If the average exchange rate of the Humancoin token is, for example, $2, the donor is credited with 1000/ (2×2) = 250 Humancoin tokens.

Token holders will be able to sell their tokens on cryptoexchanges or keep them for benefits in the ever-growing partner network. All tokens exchanged for benefits from e-commerce partners on the platform will be taken out of circulation and burned.

The Proof of Charity concept allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times and, therefore, places no restrictions on the number of participants that can get involved: new projects, donors and e-commerce market players will be able to become part of the Humancoin community in the future.

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