
Showing posts from July, 2018

Review Part 2

Market Overview In today's interconnected society characterized by increased capability of everyday devices to connect to other devices and people through the internet infrastructure, the high degree of connectivity raises a myriad of consumers’ privacy and data security concerns. The advertising industry enjoyed a negative attention both from the large public and the authorities because of its less transparent practices of online tracking and behavioral profiling. Following technological developments, online tracking became increasingly sophisticated, thus it is no longer limited to the "cookies" installed on the user's devices in order to monitor websites a user visits, but it can track real-time data accessed by a user and triangulate that with information stored about that user's location, financial data, health records, etc. These results are then complied into complex and rather comprehensive consumers' profiles that are sold to digital adver Overview

Image platform Context Overview A malicious software is an application that was created for a particular bad purpose. Most existing applications are created for normal purposes while some applications have hidden features which are not doing what is expected, but in fact their purpose is to find, steal or destroy files, track any data or just annoy the user. This started a long time ago: the first computer virus was called Elk Cloner and was first found on a Mac in 1982. Over 10 years ago a new kind of malware appeared and it was called Adware. It was distributed through security holes in Windows XP and Internet Explorer. Adware can also use security holes in Java and Flash player or even in JavaScript. But why do developers create adware? The main reason is monetization, of course. Any Adware capable of embedding paid advertisements brings its owners huge income. Starting from pop-up ads, embedded browser toolbars, search hijacking, etc. How can we stop any kinds of Review

Context & Objectives When people hear about “Blockchain”, they think about Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency, which aims at changing the global economy. However, Blockchain, Bitcoin’s underlying technology is poised to disrupt other sectors as well. Starting last year there was a huge hype around the Blockchain technology stack and especially Ethereum-based start-ups developed to impact more common areas of our day-to-day routine and not only the banking and financial sectors (where paying intermediaries fees are no longer required). Blockchain technology started to be used for activities such as grocery shopping, online marketplace, paying for your dream house, car, holiday, etc. The advertising industry is yet another sector that is going to be reshaped by the Blockchain technologies, which accordingly to market experts could be the most groundbreaking change within the industry since the emergence of smartphones and social media. Considering that ov

KickCity | Protokol pemasaran yang Efektif dan Ekonomis

Industri acara merupakan salah satu industri tertua yang memiliki konsistensi pertumbuhan historis. Biro Statistik Tenaga Kerja AS memperkirakan bahwa industri acara akan tumbuh sebesar 44% dari tahun 2010 sampai 2020, melebihi prediksi pertumbuhan industri lainnya. Setiap hari, ribuan peristiwa terjadi di seluruh dunia. Peristiwa ini terjadi karena berbagai alasan. Menariknya, 79% pemasar AS menghasilkan penjualan dengan menggunakan pemasaran acara.   Salah satu masalah terbesar yang dihadapi industry adalah pemasaran. Statistic industri menunjukkan bahwa : ü    50% vendor memiliki masalah dengan mengajak orang merespons undangan ü    40% memiliki masalah dengan mengajak orang memperhatikan undangan ü    Lebih dari 30% tidak dapat meminimalkan tidak ada pertunjukkan ü    Hampir 30% merasa sulit membuat orang menghadiri acara tersebut ü    Lebih dari 20% memiliki masalah dalam mengkonfirmasikan siapa yang hadir Kickcity adalah platform jaringan sosial dan pe

Platform Serenity | Rekening Blockchain

Jutaan perdagang berpotensi menghasilkan di perdagangan margin menggunakan leverage yang tinggi. Perdagangan model ini memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan imbal balik yang tinggi, tapi juga beresiko tinggi. Aset-aset yang berbeda digunakan untuk transaksi-transaksi ini, meliputi mata uang, mata uang kripto, saham, indeks dan komoditas, CFD dan instrumen lainnya. Ada banyak pedagang yang belum terlindungi dari penipuan oleh pihak penengah(seperti pialang, dealer bahkan bursa sendiri). Menariknya, Pasar Valuta Asing yang merupakan pasar keuangan terbesar menurut volume juga merupakan pasar yang paling diragukan karena tidak adanya kendali dan standar. Saat ini, melindungi kepentingan pedagang di bidang tersebut sangatlah sulit. Singkatnya, regulasi tradisional pasar saat ini tidak efektif, kuno dan tidak bisa digunakan untuk melindungi investasi nasabah-nasabah ritel. Akan tetapi, blockchain dapat memecahkan masalah ini. Tapi kalian semua jangan khawatir , saya membawa sol