Review Part 2

Market Overview
In today's interconnected society characterized by increased capability of everyday devices to connect to other devices and people through the internet infrastructure, the high degree of connectivity raises a myriad of consumers’ privacy and data security concerns.

The advertising industry enjoyed a negative attention both from the large public and the authorities because of its less transparent practices of online tracking and behavioral profiling. Following technological developments, online tracking became increasingly sophisticated, thus it is no longer limited to the "cookies" installed on the user's devices in order to monitor websites a user visits, but it can track real-time data accessed by a user and triangulate that with information stored about that user's location, financial data, health records, etc. These results are then complied into complex and rather comprehensive consumers' profiles that are sold to digital advertising companies for better targeting their promotional campaigns.

Very sensitive information is often collected thus violating consumer privacy. Moreover, the consumers do not have access to the data collected about them and consequently cannot correct any inaccuracies.

The Internet of Things provides a handful of opportunities for cybercrimes aiming at gathering data regarding intellectual property, confidential personal information, financial data, etc. Consequently, the cybersecurity market is on a continuous upward trend, being driven by cybercrime. Since, there is a dramatic rise in cyber-attacks, creation of malware software both for PCs, laptops, but also for smartphones and tablets, both the companies and the end users are becoming increasingly focused on safeguarding their personal data and thus enhancing the cyber security.

Advertising market
The media work is changing at a rapid pace, given the developments in technology (i.e. expansion of mobile telephony, faster mobile broadband adoption, and high degree of interconnectivity seen recently), users’ preferences and behavior and business models.

According to 2016 statistics, around 46% of the population had access to internet – the equivalent of over 3.5 billion of people online – the number is growing very fast.

Hence to thrive in such an interlinked environment, the media and entertainment companies have upgraded their products offering with more developed advertising formats, more sophisticated video and more consumer centric targeting tools.

In 2017, the media and entertainment industry is estimated to have reached over USD 1.7 trillion in revenues, accounting for approximately 2.5% share in global GDP. The main driving force behind the industry’s revenues in a greater extent, but also behind the consumer spending is the digital media.

As the market continued to be fueled by the transition from traditional to digital media, in the last years, the advertisers gradually directed their budgets towards online advertising, as they benefit from increased availability of consumer data and improving software for data algorithms to track down consumers’ preferences and thus creating better tailored ads.

Consequently, according to recent reports and statistical data, is estimated that 2017 marked the year when digital media spending equaled that for global non-digital media for the first time in history. Digital media was the fast-growing entertainment and media (M&E) segment, with a historical 5-year annual growth rate of 13.1% as compared to growth rate of 1.1% recorded by the non-digital segment.

By 2020, the trend is expected to remain the same, digital media continuing to be the driver of the M&E industry registering 8.3% growth rate by 2020, while the non-digital media is forecasted to remain relatively flat, with a growth rate of only 1.4%.

Blockchain current and future evolution
Each distributed system needs a consensus algorithm to validate transactions. Over the last few years the Proof-of-Work algorithm has dominated, not to say was the only one used. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem evolves — the race to create a better consensus algorithm began.

The current year can become the year of competition between different mining algorithms / strategies. The following strategies are currently most widely known:

Proof-of-work (PoW) - (Reference #2). Coins are distributed based on the work performed by the user to demonstrate his input on processing transactions and doing work for the whole infrastructure. This is the group of algorithms that provides slow calculation of some result and fast verification of this result. This helps to ensure that miners have to perform some complex computations on their hardware to find a block, but Blockchain network users that confirm this block don’t need to perform such computations and can easily check that result is correct using low resources.

Proof-of-stake (PoS) – (Reference #3). Coins are distributed based on the user’s previous investments. The more investments a user has the more coins he will receive.

Proof-of-elapsed time (PoET) - (Reference #4) is a relatively new concept. Coins are distributed based on the proof that the user was doing some specific action for a rather long period of real time. Proof of time algorithm was invented by Intel and it is mainly associated with their hardware platform that provides very fast consensus model. It generates random numbers (wait time) on miner’s nodes and then chooses the node with the lowest number. So, it works like a lottery but with more complex algorithm designed to provide more optimizations. Intel promises that this algorithm cannot be broken by external actions and provides honest consensus model. This makes PoET perfect for private Blockchain when you need performant distributed storage and don’t want to force your hardware to make complex computations. The only minus is the restriction on Intel’s platform (Sawtooth Lake).

The proof-of-elapsed time has not become popular and well adopted yet. But in the near future it may be intensively developed. Future adoptions may not be the exact algorithm designed by Intel, but rather some variations of the concept. Ecosystem
1.      Desktop Browser Extensions
Extensions for all the major browsers will contain the ad blocker, tracking script blocker, anti-malware as well as a web wallet.
The voting system will also be included in the extensions allowing users to rate on all websites, not just the ones using our solution.

2.      Mobile Applications
Mobile applications will function as a wallet, ad blocker, tracking script blocker, antimalware.

3.      Wallet
Our wallet will work on all major operating systems and browsers.
Mobile phones and tables will have one app for wallet, ad blocker, tracking script blocker, anti-malware.
Desktop operating systems will have dedicated app wallets.
The wallet will be integrated in the desktop browser extensions.
The wallet will feature advanced security including but not limited to:
·        Two-factor authentication
·        Fingerprint and face recognition
·        Second device
·        Passphrase + pin
·        Automatic wallet encryption
·        Vault option (you have a set amount of time to cancel your payments before they go through).

4.      Marketplace
Earned a lot of ICE? You may wish to spend it for getting some products or services. In the marketplace you can find all the places where you can pay with the ICE token.

5.      Merchant System
You can accept payment in multiple cryptocurrencies and receive the funds either in fiat or in ICE. Opting to receive the funds in ICE will come with a 0% commission guaranteed, while fiat payments will have a 3% commission. Best market rates will be applied for all payments using multiple exchanges.

6.      Other
Plugins for all major ecommerce shopping solutions (Shopify, Magento, Prestashop, Opencart, WooCommerce, WHMCS, etc.
 API SDK for custom integrations.

How works
The financial rewarding basis for website operators will be the proof of online, namely a number that quantifies the time spent by users on each website. Most importantly, everyone will benefit from an ad free, secure and private browsing experience. Also, the end users will be able to rank each website based on their experience, by using a voting system based on 1 to 5 stars. The stars will then be converted based on an algorithmic formula in Trust Rating which will be an indicative of each websites' quality, awarded by its visitors.


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